!!!!John Wayne Gayce

Alfred Ploetz
John Wayne Gayce

On the left is the birth chart of Alfred Ploetz. He was a German physician and eugenicist, the twisted theory of evolution used to justify racial hygiene and the euthanization of “inferior races” of the Third Reich. Of course the real reason the Nazis wanted to eradicate the Jews was to erase the history held in the Tanakh. Ploetz’s crime against the Nazi way was his statement, later recanted;

“The high aptitude of the Jews and their outstanding role in the progress of mankind considering men like Jesus, Spinoza, Marx has to be kindly acknowledged without hesitation… All this Antisemitism is a flop which will vanish slowly in the light of scientific knowledge and a humane democracy”

Because of this he was “demoted” in his next lifetime to harvester, targeting young gay men as he would have in ages past for the church.

On the right is the birth chart John Wayne Gayce. He was the serial killer known as the “Killer Clown.” He preyed on young men and buried many of them under his house. He stated he could control their souls after death to prevent them from revealing his crimes.