Case Study 13

Susan Sontag
Victoria Martens

On the left is the chart of Susan Sontag. Sontag was one of our nations most controversial and influential leftist and feminist writers. She was an avowed anti-communist. She was also a friend of Salman Rushdie, a British Indian writer. His novel, The Satanic Verses (1988), was the subject of a major controversy, provoking protests from Muslims in several countries and the issuance of a fatwah by the Ayatollah Khomeini (Case Study 31). The Satanic Verses in the Koran refer to three female deities that are supposed to be admired. The verses are considered by main stream Islam to have been put in the Prophet’s head by Satan and are not to be discussed.

Sontag was against the rape going on during Fromm‘s big psychic shit show in 1994-95 in the Pacific Northwest. They’ve been trying to play it off / blame it on other people and other places ever since.

On the right is the chart of Victoria Martens. Victoria on her 10th birthday was raped and stabbed to death. The details are sordid. Her mother, Michelle Martens<< was sentenced to 12 years in prison for her role in the death of Victoria. The actual crime is believed to have been committed by her boyfriend.

Michelle was influenced to move to Albuquerque before this murder was created. They wanted Victoria’s soul but wanted to blame it on this specific town and use the event to intimidate the inhabitants.

I Samuel 19:9 And an evil spirit of Yhwh was upon Saul, and he was sitting in his house, with his spear in his hand, and David was playing with his hand. 10 And Saul attempted to pin David to the wall with the spear, but he slipped away from before Saul, and Saul drove the spear into the wall, but David fled and escaped on that night

Acts against a target like this can be used to intimidate those who are aware residing in the area (see Case Study 8 and (Case Study 33). Persons in the state of NM were also outspoken against Fromm’s psychic shit show. The guys using dark energy are rich white guys. they used to blame everything they did on black people.