Case Study 56

As pointed out in Case Study 53 Controlling a region in the world means controlling several countries. Generally a powerful country will have allies or buffer states next door. This is much easier to set up when one can put chosen souls into the royalty of those countries and then guide them to rule. The Vedas describe the existence of this technique, they just don’t tell you the gods are actually people. They then have a psychic puppet in charge of a nation.

Controllers do not care for democracy. It takes much more effort to get that to happen in a democracy. An example of taking over a country (in this case for oil) using reincarnation is Case Study 41.

The gods, or Controllers, get very angry when this process is interfered with. They will use trickery to get their guys where they want them as in Case Study 31.

This is Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana (21 Feb8uary 1794 – 21 June 1876), 8th President of Mexico. Santa Ana was overly flexible in his politics. This allowed him to rise to power. He opposed the Revolution against Spain, then fought in support of it. He supported the Monarchy of Mexico, then fought against it. He touted himself as a great general but lost most of the wars he engaged in; notabley the Texas Revolt and the Mexican American War. Despite this he became a military dictator in 1853 until he was ousted in 1855. In 1861, 6 years later, the Second French Intervention began that installed Maximilian I until 1867. Hmmm. Santa Ana died in exile in 1876.

This is Paul Reynaud (15 October 1878 – 21 September 1966). Reynaud was the Prime Minister of France during the onset of hostilities in World War II. Reynaud opposed the Munich agreement allowing Germany part of Czechoslovakia. 5 days after the Germans invaded France, Reynaud contacted Churchill and famously remarked, “We have been defeated… we are beaten; we have lost the battle…. The front is broken near Sedan.” Churchill, realizing his forces were chained to a corpse, began preparation for the Evacuation at Dunkirk. His surrender was quite handy for the Nazis, that’s why they put him there.

Related: The Strange Battle for Castle Itter