The Interesting Case of Charles

Charles Manson was the leader of a cult called the “Manson Family.” Manson spent time in boys homes and prison for most of his life. He was first convicted of a crime at the age of 14. While incarcerated at the Indiana Boys School he was repeatedly raped and beaten at the encouragement of school officials.

As the leader of the Manson Family he advocated for a race war he believed would bring about the end of society as we know it. He referred to this war as Helter Skelter. During his incarceration at the Federal Penitentiary at McNeil Island in Puget Sound Washington Charles had become obsessed with the Beattles.

To bring about this destruction of society he encouraged members of his cult to expedite the race war through wanton violence and the release of an album. The Manson Family’s most infamous crime was committed on August 8th and 9th of 1969. They killed Sharon Tate and four others. Tate was an actress and pregnant wife of director Roman Polanski.

Roman Polanski is a Jew who unlike his parents, was saved from deportation to concentration camps by a catholic family that presented him as their own. His movie Rosemary’s Baby is about a demon child (or Golem) who cult members try to kidnap from his mother. He has won numerous awards for his films and at this time seems best known for the crime of statutory rape for which he is wanted in the United States.

There are many conspiracy theories about the Manson Family. One is they were the victims of a government mind control experiment called MK Ultra involving LSD. Some residents of the Haight-Ashbury scene noted how they didn’t quite fit in to the peace and love movement of the time. That they were in San Fransisco during the Summer of Love to sabotage the peace movement. By declaring they had committed the Tate murders in protest of the Vietnam War they painted a black mark across the ongoing protests.

The government wasn’t behind the Manson Family. Saying it was the Zionists or the Masons is an attempt to replace the blame by anti democratic forces. The Controllers involved could buy themselves a place with people of power who might admire such a feat. They also may be able to inspire an anti government uprising to complete their takeover and cleansing of our society without the participant puppets realizing it. See Case Study 10.

The Manson Family members probably did not know who was pulling their strings. But Charles figured it out, and really had to use his head to tell the world.